August 16, 2022

HATM’s Carried Volume Cargo Increased +66% YoY per June 2022

A new achievement for PT Habco Trans Maritima Tbk. (“HATM”) where the increase in transportation reached 1,418,274 MT YTD 6M-2022. This increase departs from 851,320 MT in YTD 6M-2021 or +66.59%.

The demand for transportation of commodity products, especially in the energy sector, is indeed one of the largest contributors to HATM’s revenue. The development of the industrial sector in Indonesia is also a major factor in HATM’s strategy to increase the fleet of ships to serve customers in the future.

Andrew Kam – President Director HATM

+66.59% Increase in Cargo Volume carried

HATM transported 1.4 Million MT cargo as per 6M-2022, a jump from 850,000 MT previous year in 6M-2021
This increase was due to a flood of requests from new and existing HATM customers including PT Dwi Guna Laksana Tbk (“DWGL”), PT Bhumi Rantau Energi, Indonesia Tsingshan Stainless Steel and also PT Andalan Dunia Sejahteta.
HATM’s financial performance per 6M-2022 position also experienced a fairly good increase, HATM managed to book a 6M-2022 YTD Net Profit of Rp 66.8 billion, an increase of +236% from the 6M-2022 YTD position of Rp 19.9 billion.
With the increase in the energy sector market and its supporting industries, the demand for supply of energy commodities will continue to increase significantly in 2022. Indonesia as the world’s largest coal energy supplier is currently also flooded with orders from domestic and international needs.


Sehubungan dengan maraknya penipuan penerimaan calon tenaga kerja, kami menghimbau kepada para pelamar untuk berhati-hati dan waspada terhadap adanya modus penipuan tersebut dalam proses perekrutan calon tenaga kerja yang mengatasnamakan PT Habco Trans Maritima Tbk. Bahwa dalam rangka proses rekrutmen/seleksi pegawai darat dan laut yang berlokasi di Pekanbaru, Jakarta, dan Banjarmasin, PT Habco Trans Maritima Tbk tidak pernah menggunakan jasa pihak ketiga. Kami melakukan proses seleksi karyawan secara internal dan tidak pernah melakukan pungutan atau permintaan ganti rugi dalam bentuk apapun kepada calon karyawan darat maupun laut. Jika Anda menemukan oknum yang melakukan upaya penipuan ini, segera laporkan kepada kami melalui email